This is part of something which I wrote awhile ago, mixing opinion, conjecture, and scripture-and it is just some thoughts. Only the Scriptures have the Truth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. But since it is the sabbath day, I thought some of my thoughts could make for some lively discussions. Just remember, I was musing when I wrote this so take it with a grain of salt and don't be upset with me:). I believe the Scripture's and the revealed Word of the Prophets are the only truth we need to live and teach. Besides, blogging is work and today is one of rest, prayer and study of the written word. dad
The first scripture says, “man was created in the image of God.” True. That means several things: that movies of alien beings like depicted in Star Wars , etc. are make believe and all those “beings,” are not in the image of God-at least the only God we are aware of and are told by Him, the only one to be concerned with worshiping. Secondly, if man was created in the image of God, does that mean woman was created in the image of one of His wives, probably the first of seven, since we are told that for every man born there are seven women born. Seems to make sense. And as a side note, Genesis uses the figurative of Adam’s wife being made from his rib-and we know that ribs, like the skull and hips are the source of manufacture of Red Blood Cells(RBC’S). RBC’s are then the source of DNA and all nutrition of the human body. This is why, when a very elderly person falls and breaks a hip, it is not the fracture itself that may eventually cause their death, but the reduced amount of RBC’s produced-not enough to sustain life, etc.
Second scripture: loosely translated states that man by nature is carnal, devilish, and selfish. True. It is only by hard work and discipline that Man can become spiritual, angelic and go about doing good works. This is aided by constant prayer, repentance, scripture study and filing his mind with these Godly qualities. I always taught that Nature hates a vacuum-when “bad” is removed, good must take its place, or bad, and more evil, will rush in to fill the void.
I believe the above part about man’s original nature may only apply only to Man and not Women. Women, by nature, can be cruel, cunning, and vicious. It takes work to become gentle, nurturing, and kind, using the same analogy as the vacuum. Just like a light bulb that shatters or an old TV or computer monitor-it implodes-air rushes in to fill the hole or gap. We are told in Church that the sisters are the nurturing spirits and the motto of Relief Society is, “Charity never Fails,” that just like Man, it takes Work to become loving, gentle and project that spirit of kindness. Also, a woman has to develop and obtain charity for it to never fail. Again, we learn from scripture study. Mainly, Paul. that Charity is “The pure Love of Christ.”I believe women’s blessed opportunity is to have babies. Either on their own or by adoption, it gives them the classroom education to learn how to nurture-starting at birth and forever. It must take extraordinary patience, ergo, nurturing for a women to give birth then get her children through those pre-teen and teenage years! And then more.
Since Man was not given the blessing of childbirth and being with children most of the time, he was given the Priesthood. First among equal’s, with his wife and the one to ultimately have the deciding vote-and live with the consequences. It teaches him he must give a lifetime of service to his family, church, and community. And he can bless other’s but it usually takes two-which means he has to humble himself and ask another Bearer-and that other has to put aside a lot of things he is doing at the moment and assist, without a second thought. Just some Sunday stuff that I hope ruffle's family discussion.
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